Thu, Jan 16, 2025

5th Edition

The nuclear option. Drastic times require drastic measures.

We live in times of enormous changes, particularly related to climate change. It may already be too late to avert major environm...

by Louis de Bruin

St. Thomas & the Native Judeo-Dravidian Malankara Nasrani Church – A Brief Overview

IntroductionThe unknown history of the ancient Nasrani Church of Malankara is worthy of note. For a certainty, the Malankara-Mal...

by George Alexander

Quo Vadis Eastern Partnership? A perspective of Russia – EU Relations and the future of Eastern Partnership

The Eastern Partnership represents a joint initiative of the European Union and its Eastern European partners Armenia, Azerbaija...

New Models for Financing and Financial Reporting for European SMEs: A Practitioners’ view – Presentation –

This book looks at the 23 million registered Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that make up 98 per cent of the EU economy. Add...

by Razvan Hoinaru

Greece versus Britannia

This editorial begins a new path for OSI Occidental Studies Institute and for our Occidental World magazine. Today, writing from...

by Mirta R. Acero, PhD

Gestas de España

Our project began in any given afternoon in Zaragoza. When walking in one of its streets and while passing by a shop, I saw righ...

by Manuel Angel Cuenca López

European Diplomacy – Theory and Definitions

As we discussed in more interviews, European democracy has become a culture, aligned with new living standards and with increasi...

by Demostene Olariu

Beautiful Serbia Collection articles – Danube through Serbia

… And the Danube through Serbia flows-wonderful places to visit a few unknowns places.The Danube in Serbia “leaves” 588 ki...

by Dejan Stojanovic