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The multicontinentality between geography, economy and culture

  • 01/01/2000 - by Antonio Mora Guanche, PhD

The purpose of this article is to introduce the geopolitical concept of “multicontinentality” in the context of international relations between countries and regions as well as to determine its possible application utility.

  1. Concept of multi continentality

We Could define multi-continentality as the relationship of a country or region with a given continent, be it a geographical or cultural relationship.

Thegeographical–typerelationshipis givenbythelocation of the country orregion in a given continent. Likewise, the cultural relationship corresponds to the historical links maintained between multi continental countries or regions and other continents. These links can be given by various forms of relationship,such as economic or commercial exchanges, integration between populations or cultural relations.

  1. Examples of multi continentality

An Example of the application of the concept of multi continentality the case of theCanaryIslands, a Spanish region located geographically on the African continent and which fundamentally presents a European culture to which cultural links with the American continent are added.

Therefore, we can affirmthattheCanaryIslandspresents a Tricontinentality relationship by being linked to three continents: Europe, America and Africa.

Likewise, we can point out the case of Chile as an example of tri-continentality from a geographical point of view since Chile is located on three continents, America, Antarctica and Oceania.

Thus, Chile has a presence in America (continental Chile and the archipelago of Juan Fernández and Islas Desventuradas), in Oceania (Isla Salas and Gómez and Easter Island) and in the Antarctic continent.

  1. Whywetalkaboutmulticontinentality

At this point,we consider why we talk about multi continentality.

And Accordingly, we can affirm that the knowledge of the multi continentality of a country or region gives us an idea of ​​the possibilities of action of said country or region in the international sphere, allowing us to establish network sorties of collaboration and exchange between countries and regions and to facilitate international trade and economic and social development in general, ultimately providing knowledge of the cultural base of the population and, in particular, its international component, the external influence the language of the country or region, the population characteristics and of customs and traditions.

In this section it is worth noting that when the geographical link between a country or region is not complemented by a relationship between that country or region with the continent in question, the potential of the geographical position of said country regions is lost.

  1. Final conclusion

In short, the knowledge of the continental relationship of a country or region, in the countries in which this relationship is applied, makes it possible to focus the global phenomenon more adequately.

Antonio Mora Guanche is Professor of Industrial Engineering at University of La Laguna and Regional Development Consultant. He is also former General Director for Industry at the Government of Canary Islands (Spain) and Manager at Price Waterhouse Coopers Consulting.