Thu, Apr 18, 2024

Analysis of Human Understanding

  • 02/15/2022 - by S.E.R Eric Escala

Every time we want to analyze human behavior we see ourselves limited, we are beings in constant change; we evolve in different ways and with very different interests. To understand our way of thinking we must look at how our motivations have changed over time.

Every time we want to analyze human behavior, we see ourselves limited, we are beings in constant change; we evolve in different ways and with very different interests.  To understand our way of thinking, we must look at how our motivations have changed over time.

At the beginning of humanity, the important thing was to survive; animals and dangers were a constant, nothing guaranteed that we would be alive at the end of the day; it is something that is latent even today but we do not stop to think “maybe this is my last day.”

Then the family was given primacy; everyone worked for the common good and the families were joined by the clans or groups of families that came together for defense; finally, the people developed nations - we had to come out in defense of our countries against the enemy - always seeing the other as a potential opponent.

Since we were children we have had fun with violence – games, video games, movies, television – learning that everything has conflicts in its plot, that the good must kill the bad.

What does this mean?

Simply that our interests change according to society; if we compare societies we can verify it.

By 1960, the Second World War had ended and Vietnam was in conflict. There was an awakening of society towards drugs and other issues that were very complex, such as to fight against racial discrimination in the so-called Jim Crow Deep South. Furthermore, some young people felt that it was their duty to fight Communism; a concept called the Cold War was implanted, where the United States did not come to confront directly with the U.S.S.R. but they used any alternative means.

In 1970, the society would seek to lift the economy. What became known as the American Dream is created; many went to America and managed to strike it rich. Some countries were struggling to get out of the colonialism imposed by the North and the Latin American countries were vulnerable to impoverishment.

In 1980, the Cold War goes to the sports area; we competed to see which bloc had the best athletes. We are shown that one group is good and the other is evil; televangelists emerge; although faith is at all times with humanity, here the preacher comes to his home and to remote places and many people walk for hours to listen to a sermon.

In 1990, the United States resumes the space race and the world becomes interested in this again, but in the social area the problems grow, the lack of employment increases, diseases are not combated effectively and in some countries private care prevails.

We arrive at the year 2000. In the new century, what is important becomes the Self; social uprooting begins and existential crises re-emerge. It begins with an era of technology that separates us more and more from the human being.

We have become automatons.

The year 2010 takes hold with the social crisis. Personal relationships go to a virtual plane; everything is moving fast. We stop relating to the other, we only seek to satisfy self-interest.

Increasingly we distance ourselves from our relatives, as technology brings us closer in space but separates us from the people around us.

We have now landed in the year 2022. In this time of the Pandemic, the expectation is to return to normality.

But what is normal?

Some find it more comfortable to live from home and agoraphobia has been on the rise.

Perhaps a more practical solution would be to reconnect with each other directly without electronic devices – to be family again.

Roughly speaking, we have seen some of the motivations through which society goes through its changes. It is in us to empathize and become voluntary or involuntary actors.

The so-called social networks also help to express our feelings about a given situation; it is not always the best since it can also harm the person psychically, which is known as cyberbullying.

We must remember that we are social beings, that we cannot live alone and electronic devices cannot replace the person.

We must also keep God present in our lives. Many governments forget that they impose laws so that praying in public places is a reason for arrest. We also face the prospect ov civil disobedience – sometimes it is necessary to guide us by the laws of God and not what men say.

                                   Only God is the Supreme Truth

No matter what state we are living in, God is always with us, believe it or not; He is waiting for us as a loving father waits for his children.

Let us ask God for the security of faith, so that we can be happy with what we have and be grateful for what he gives us.

Lord, bless our life to be at your service and for my opportunity to help others.


Arch. Eric Scale

Continuing Anglican Church